Digital, Secure Signature - contactless and mobile payments

EHI Kartenkongress 2012

The EHI card Congress has been for many years, the top conference for all payments experts from retail, commercial gas station and restaurant.

frau handel branche signotec omegaRatingen, April 2012; Tasks in the trade is to optimize the signature-based payment method with our signature pads. These are usually direct debit or credit card payments but also bonus payments with cards like Miles & More. The trade uses our payPos solution for electronic signature via Pen Pad at the checkout.
The document data is displayed on the Omega signotec pad and signature capture to either locally "married" or sent to our servers signature. This creates a PDF / A, signs this with a signature and a certificate. Then, the handover takes place in the electronic document archive, where the documents can be searched by the transaction data.

Visit us from 24th until 25th April in Bonn in the plenary hall of the former German Bundestag.

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Secure your digital documents like pdf, docx. Capture digital signatures now with our signature capture devices.