Handwritten Signatures and Adobe Digital Signatures

Adobe Reader Plug-In

Handwritten Signatures & Adobe Digital Signatures

Sign your PDF documents with your own hand-written signature! Do you have Acrobat Writer or Adobe Reader? Your own hand-written signature is added to the PDF document via the Pen-Pad as an electronic signature in the Acrobat signature object. Tampering with / changes to the PDF after signing are reliably detected and the signatures are marked as invalid. For signing in Acrobat Reader, the PDF documents must have special rights (ARES with Adobe Livecycle-Extension-Server or Designer) to be signed in the Reader.

Adobe Reader Signature Plug-In

Do you want to sign PDF documents without Acrobat assistance? If so, please continue to our signoSign/2.
  • Create with your own hand written signature your digital signature. Just sign your PDF documents or LiveCycle interactive forms under Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader on a signature pad or a Tablet PC and you will receive a secure proven digital signature.
  • To create and sign PDF documents without Adobe Acrobat use signotec's signoSign/2.
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Secure your digital documents like pdf, docx. Capture digital signatures now with our signature capture devices.