Perfect rate for signotec Pen-Pad "Omega"

Results of VR-Bank Vilsbiburg customers

stefan aigner vr bankThe signotec Omega
signature pad offers many advantages to banks. A few reasons like the cost reductions, eliminating the risk of loss of evidence but also the acceleration of business processes, are the results to launch the signature platform in the VR-Bank eG Vilsbiburg.

Vilsbiburg, June 2012; The signotec Omega signature pad offers many advantages to banks.
A few reasons like the cost reductions, eliminating the risk of loss of evidence but also the acceleration of business processes, are the results to launch the signature platform in the VR-Bank eG Vilsbiburg.
However, with such an introduction, an important question is” Is the pen-pad accepted by the customers”
This question must be full of importance for the management, because, if the customers refuse the pad, all the advantages which the new technology brings with it, would have "pay dearly" by the frustration of customers. Exactly of this reason the VR-Bank eG Vilsbiburg in Germany, introduced a survey of customer acceptance, six weeks after the introduction of the pen-pad.

Summary of Survey Results: The results of this survey were extremely encouraging.
76 of the 100 respondents, for example, keep the introduction for meaningful or even a brilliant idea. The usability of signotec Pen-Pad can be confirmed, because a majority describes the handling as very pleasant/very easy. During the early introduction and that’s a great result, 63 % were full convinced of the product and after 6 weeks it increased to 86 % of satisfied customers. Completely skeptical is only one of 100 interviewed customers. Problems and opportunities for improvement were not noticed by the most customers. All in all it can be a positive conclusion on the introduction of the pen pads signotec Omega in the VR-Bank eG Vilsbiburg. Customers accept the product; it's user friendly and powerful. Now the management is able to use it, by all the advantages it’s offered by this new technology, without any worries about bad customer reactions

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