iPhone Signature Capture Plug-In
The iPhone SigCap Plug-In is an add-on for signoSign/2.
The Plug-In comprises of the iPhone Capture Plug-In for signoSign/2 (with cost) and the free app “SigCap”.
The iPhone SigCap Plug-In additionally gives signoSign/2 the potential to capture the signature via iPhone. Due to this combination there is no need of a Signature Pad. You sign on the iPhone and the signature will be transferred to the electronic document, which is displayed in signoSign/2 for example on the PC or Notebook.

You can download the appropriate app in the App Store for free.
The whole solution is working offline, there is no need of an internet connection or a Server-Backend.
Systemrequirements are min. WinXP SP3 and .NET 4.0 Extended.